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Mensuration Formulas PDF For All Competition Level Exams

Mensuration is an important topic for Competitive Exam like SSC CGL, IBPS PO, SBI PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, RBI Exams, Railway Exams, LIC AAO, Campus Placement, MBA exams like CAT etc. Since the topic of mensuration revolves around some limited concepts, it becomes very easy to solve these problems if you remember some basic formulas. Hence, we have compiled some important Mensuration Formulas for SSC and Banking in PDF. You can easily print it and affix it in your study room. Just give it a glance when you are solving mensuration problems and you will automatically remember it.

' mensuration formula ' ' mensuration formula pdf '

In this sheet of Mensuration Formulas in PDF, we will take different figures and mention all the important formulas related to it. This way you won’t get confused. We are also including diagrams so that you can create a mental picture of it and remember it well.

What follows is the part 1 of these Mensuration Formulas for SSC and Banking. Part 1 deals largely with 2D formulas. You can also download Part 2 from the link given below.

Content Of Mensuration Formulas PDF Part 1

1 Mensuration Formulas for RECTANGLE
2 Mensuration Formulas for SQUARE
3 Mensuration Formulas for PARALLELOGRAM
4 Mensuration Formulas for TRIANGLE
5 Mensuration Formulas for TRAPEZIUM
6 Mensuration Formulas for RHOMBUS
7 Mensuration Formulas for CIRCLE and SEMICIRCLE

Content Of Mensuration Formulas PDF Part 2

8 Mensuration Formulas for CUBOID
9 Mensuration Formulas for CUBE
10 Mensuration Formulas for CONE
11 Mensuration Formulas for CYLINDER
12 Mensuration Formulas for SPHERE
13 Mensuration Formulas for HEMISPHERE
14 Mensuration Formulas for HOLLOW CYLINDER
15 Mensuration Formulas for FRUSTUM OF A RIGHT CIRCULAR CONE
16 Mensuration Formulas for PRISM
17 Mensuration Formula for PYRAMID

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